Toilet training 😫

So my daughter is 3.5 years and yet to potty train. We’ve had many false starts due to illness and bereavement. Nursery have been brilliant and have really been encouraging her to sit on the toilet where she has weed on occasions and she wears pants all day for them. So we know she can do it. Yet at home, she’s reluctant to even enter the bathroom. It just feels like such a battle and it’s draining to keep it all positive for her. Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice?
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Hi, we're still in nappies here as well. My son is really not keen on trying potty or toilet at all. Ever since he was small he had a bit of a phobia of toilets 😅 He's at the age we can have proper conversations but he just can't explain why he doesn't want to try. Sometimes he says he's scared he'll fall into the toilet but I can tell he's joking. The worst thing is that he's not really fond of nappy changes either so we're kind of stuck at the moment 🤭 He's not the best with being forced to do things in general so I just hope one day something will just click ✊🏻

We only potty trained our son in September (we tried a couple of other times without success). This time round we bought a potty that looked like a toilet and kept it close by to wherever he was playing in the house (it was very cheap off Amazon). Maybe you could try that? The other thing we did was made sure we only used nappies for night time or long journeys. I wish you luck. It’s amazing how quick they take to it once they are ready.

It took a while for us too. Our little boy was doing it at my parents and nursery but at home he was still having accidents. He thought it was funny, it was quite frustrating 😔. So my sister in law told me about a reward system using marbles. It sounds a bit crazy. So everytime they tell you and go on the potty or toilet. (We went back to the potty.) So 1 marble for trying whether it happens or not, 2 for a wee and 4 for a poo. They fill it up so it's an activity for them so they're seeing their progress. They get a gift, so our little boy is obsessed with trains. So we got him to pick a train off Amazon that he wanted then it's something they know they'll only get if they play along. It worked for us he's cracked it now. I'm not saying it will happen overnight but I would definitely do that next time. Xxxx

@Victoria we have all of that. It’s a flat out no for potties and toilet. Tonight she held it in until bath time then weed. She was beside herself. 🤦🏼‍♀️

We had 3 accidents today, not even an attempt to sit on the toilet or potty. 🤯

Hi! We’re still in the same boat here 😩

I had 3 accidents today and reluctant to go on potty - daddy comes home and she does a wee for him 🤬🤬🤬

We’ve done it!!! 3 days of wees on the potty and no accidents! Only taken a mental breakdown from me and bribery with McDonald’s 😂😂

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