Gestational Diabetes

I just got diagnosed last week and I'm still trying to come to terms with it. I've already cut out stuff like cakes and biscuits and trying different foods as my first reading yesterday was over target. Anyone else going through this? Meal ideas are greatly appreciated🙏
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Have a protein rich diet and make sure that all your meals have enough protein in it. Try to break your meals into smaller portions and have at least 5-6 meals a day.walking for 10-15 mins after every meal does wonders, my readings were insanely high during the first two weeks of diagnosis and post that I brought them in control

Personally I haven't had to switch up a lot of what I eat. Mostly just cutting back and having sweet treats in moderation. The only thing I have changed is semi skimmed milk to soya & cutting out cereal altogether (super sad about that) I found the foods I thought would make me spike didn't at all, it's really quite interesting. Also, the times when I was busy either shopping or doing house work my readings came back much lower so doing some brisk walking after meals can also help ☺️ Try not to worry about it too much, yes it can sometimes help with diet but it's our hormones that are to blame. I am now on metformin because my fasting levels seem to peak but I've been on them before with PCOS so I haven't had any issues. I'm less worried now I am on metformin, as it's giving my body a helping hand and better for baby. Just do what you feel is right for you ☺️

I just got diagnosed as well at 34 weeks. I tried to diet but then my sugar levels were dropping so low that I became dizzy and couldn’t walk straight. I’m now on metformin and still testing 4 times a day with another growth scan in 2 weeks to see if I’ll be induced early. My doctor reassured me that my diet was fine (I was not having a lot of sugar) but instead explained that it was the placenta and my baby “playing Pac-Man and taking all of my nutrients” 😂

Please look into joining the Facebook group : gestational diabetes uk. It helped me a lot with still enjoying food. So many meal ideas. And tells you how to pair fats with carbs to keep sugar levels low.

In addition to lowering refined carbohydrates, try taking a 10-20 min walk after every meal. It doesn’t have to be vigorous or anything. It’s kind of amazing how much lower the glucose spikes become! I noticed this while using a continuous glucose monitor (which I got for my own curiosity).

Look up the term “food pairing”. There is a woman on Instagram who specialises it, I’m sorry I don’t remember her name. You can still very much enjoy food you love. Try not to panic ♥️

Just to say that if you don’t eat for a long period of time, your body releases glucose into your bloodstream and your blood sugar spikes. I wish that had been the first thing someone told me!

I've just been diagnosed last week and waiting to have my first appointment with the midwife and dietician. For me I'm trying to cut out carbs where I can and focus on higher protein meals with plenty of veg. Lots of movement between meals and I've read about eating smaller meals more often. I definitely recommend looking at the Gestational Diabetes UK Facebook page and website for extra information about pairing meals and meal ideas x

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