Low lying placenta

Has anyone had their 32-24 week scan to check the position of their placenta and they aren’t too sure of its more than the 2cm away? I had to have an internal scan as it looked like there was still a bit too low from an abdominal scan & from the internal one she said it looks about 3cm. I have no idea if 1cm is a big or small margin. She said my consultant will look at the scans etc and go from there but I don’t even have a consultant as I’m midwifery led right now so waiting to be able to speak to someone to ask the next steps so just looking some advice/ other stories in the meantime. Thanks
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Yes I had the internal scan, and it was just more than 3cm away (it was less than 2cm at my 20-week), and they said its now considered 'high' (posterior)

Yes I had the same problem. My placenta has been posterior and clear my whole pregnancy, and it was found to be now right sided and 1.5cm away from my cervix at my 32 week growth scan. I’m also having the placental location scan at 35 + 3. It’s very very common for your placenta to move further away from your cervix as your uterus stretches though.xxxx

I also had to have a transvaginal and it was 3.4cm away. Most trusts are happy if it’s over 2cm x

@Amy 🍉 so did they just let you carry on your pregnancy as normal? Is the high (posterior) you refer to meaning the front of the back? I have an anterior placenta but they said that would never change x

@Alexandra will your scan at 35+3 be the last one before they make any decisions? I only had my first location scan at 34 weeks so kind of just spiralling at the moment x

@Leah okay thank you, that’s filled me with a little more positivity. I’m thinking of asking for a second opinion scan to make sure it is over 2cm as she just didn’t seem too sure when I had it done. Are you consultant led? Did anyone speak to you after your scan about the results? X

@Lauren I was consultant led only because of my placenta, had an appointment afterwards and because it’s now more than 2cm I’m back to midwife led. On your scan report what does it say for placental position? I think ask for a second opinion if you’re unsure! I’m a midwife and was happy with the measurement as could see her measuring and it was 3.4cm. You should see a consultant to discuss the results and make a plan really! If they were unsure/if they were concerned it was still low I’d have thought they’d book you in for another scan at 36 weeks. Did they mention another scan? X

@Leah ive been midwifery led the whole time even when I was told my placenta was low and the person who scanned me today did seem shocked as said I should be speaking to my consultant after and when I said I don’t have one, she said contact your midwife. Nothing about more scans as said I needed to discuss this scan first. My scan report hasn’t been uploaded to my Badger app yet so I have no info on todays scan other than what she said out loud x

@Lauren yeah so you should have been made consultant led but I also didn’t see an actual consultant between 20 weeks and my 32 week scan. Did they not give you a paper copy of your scan? You should get a paper copy as bare minimum! I would call your antenatal clinic department and ask about an appointment with your consultant to discuss the scan. It’s not good enough really! If she measured it is 3cm I would have thought they’d be happy to discharge you, as chances are if it’s 3cm away at 32/40 it would be further than that for delivery. Do you know if it’s anterior or posterior? X

@Leah no, I never get any paper notes on this pregnancy. Literally they just upload very minimal information to badger which I hate. Yeah I’ll give them a call tomorrow to see what the next steps are. They gave me my location scan at 34 weeks so hoping they’ll maybe scan at 36 too. At my 20 week scan I was told my placenta was anterior so I never feel or so movements as strong as mt last pregnancy when it was posterior x

@Lauren hmm we have badger too so don’t get paper notes but scans usually are paper copies too! Mine is anterior too, that’s definitely more promising than it being posterior in terms of moving out the way! I feel minimal movements too but it’s my first pregnancy so don’t have much to compare to ☺️ Hope they manage to sort it all for you! X

Hey @Lauren yep I carried on everything as normal, and that I can have a natural birth (they had said that if it doesn't move away from the cervix then I'd need a c-section). And yes posterior is at the back. That won't change :)

@Leah oh that’s good to know about it being anterior. Thank you x

@Amy 🍉 with it being more than 3cm away, doesn’t that mean it’s already moved away from the cervix? X

@Lauren yes it's moved away (hence why they said its high instead if low now) 😊 they had told me about need for c section at 20 week scan when it had shown as low, but now it's moved I don't need one

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I had the scan at 32 weeks and I was told that it was 2 cm away. That worried me because there’s no margin but my midwife wasn’t concerned and said it will move further over the next few weeks x

Had my 36 scan and my placenta has moved well up and away from cervix, it was good news. Don’t worry too much, I’m sure it’ll move by then, pray for the best!!

@Amy 🍉 oh okay sorry I got confused, I thought they mentioned it at your 32 week scan not the 20 week scan!! Thanks for the info x

@Imane that’s great for you 🥰 I’m going to ask for a re scan as I wasn’t too happy with how the first went x

@Chelsea that’s brill news 🥰

@Lauren No worries, I read what I said back and realised it wasn't very clear!!

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