@Megan i hope so because im going crazy 😩 my HV said there’s no need to see the doctor just yet and to see what he’s like. His nappies are wet and having plenty of movements, temps fine and has two bottom teeth
I was told if they’re drinking less than 50% in 24 hours they should be seen x
My youngest was/is up n down n all over the place when it comes to his appetite. Some days it’s hardly nothing at all n other days ima happy mama with his eating. I have 2 boys my oldest is 21 youngest is 3 I was always told they’ll eat when they’re hungry & not to fret over eating habits. My lil one is still gaining weight n growing beautifully so as is well.
My little boy was a bit like this but he was a bit poorly and I know you've been advised to stop food until he's back on the milk but when my little boy wasn't drinking it I was making him food with his milk in instead of cows milk. Is he teething/poorly because this can be a reason
Could just be temporary. Some babies take a small pause before the next growth spurt. Or he could be going through a growth spurt and the aches are affecting his appetite. Have you talked to the doctor or checked his temperature yet? How are his diapers? As long as the diapers are normal then I’d say just keep going and see if it just goes away after a week. Also how many teeth right now?