We got an incident report at pickup but we weren’t informed during the day. My husband did pickup so unfortunately I only know what was on the incident report. She tripped and fell. I’m worried about taking her out because she might have a hard time adjusting in a new place 🥺
My daughter went through a period where she had a few bumps and falls, and I started wondering if the daycare staff were not paying enough attention or if my daughter was still getting her balance. Our daycare gives us details of how the injury happened and the first aid they administered (usually ice the injury). If there are things they can do to prevent similar injuries in the future, they tell us what they've done. Example: they put protective corners on a bookshelf after my daughter bumped her face into it. If they're not giving you many details, I'd ask for it. How exactly did she fall, what was she doing, etc.? I get details like she was playing with X and running around and tripped over her own fee, we applied ice to the bump on her forehead.
@Christina That’s exactly the same thing they told me. She was playing and tripped. They applied ice to it and she’s doing better. But how were you able to ease your worries that they might not be paying enough attention to her? Cuz that’s my biggest fear.
My daughter was having similar injuries at home so I figured it was at least partly her needing to work on her balance. I love our daycare, they're great, and it was a short period of falls, it didn't last long. I told myself its my own overprotectiveness and not the daycare. But if your gut is telling you something is off at the daycare, trust your gut. If it keeps happening talk to the daycare, they should be receptive and ease you worries.
It really depends… the finger stuck on the door sounds more concerning, but falls, bumps, scrapes are all normal and part of childhood. Even if an adult was watching your child they can’t catch them as they fall.
Trust your gut on this. Did they give you an incident report or a run down as to what happened? Ask the questions if you haven't already.