No affection??

Does anyone else’s baby not really show any affection? My LB is coming 10 months next week and since about 7 months or so he never wants to cuddle. If he’s tired he will put his head into me for literally 2 seconds and it’s as if he catches himself on and moves again. He also might sink into me after his bedtime bottle for about a minute lol He’s happy to be held if we are out somewhere or at someone else’s house but never wants to cuddle. When I hold him he’s literally just looking for something to grab and pushes me away. I see all these other mothers with their babies who want to be held and I wonder if I’m doing something wrong!
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Mines not a cuddle seeker

Same here! Always moving her head away from kisses and no cuddles 😢

Same here! Mines not much into cuddles unless she's super tired and it's dark 🤣. But tbf I'm the same so I'm not surprised, it bothers her dad more than me because he's heavy affectionate with is all.

My girl has never been a cuddler and still isn’t as a toddler. You may find your little one might love holding your hand walking when a toddler which is so lovely

I also have a cuddle hater - she just wants to play and look around, far too busy to stop and cuddle mummy haha x

My son lives for contact naps and cuddles at bedtime, loves being carried about everywhere but no cuddles when he isn’t tired and he’s always been like that, he just never wants to sit still. Like you said he’s more into just using me as a way to get to things he otherwise can’t reach 😆

Thanks ladies so glad to hear I’m not the only person!

Not a cuddler, if she wants a cuddle then somethings wrong 😂 Normally she's only cuddly if there's people she's not sure of around or nap time, other than that she likes to lean on me, pull my hair, lick me, pull my nose, but not cuddles

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