what’s your philosophical stance in life?

•Objectivism: This philosophy holds that objective reality, absolute reason, individualism, and laissez-faire capitalism are fundamental principles (aka I’ve never thought about it, life just is how it is) •Determinism: This philosophy holds that people are unable to make any other decision or perform any other action than the one they actually do (aka believing in predetermined fate or ~destiny~ & or not believing individuals have actual free will) •Relativism: This philosophy holds the idea that truth, morality, and other values are relative to a particular culture or individual, and that there is no absolute truth. (aka rejecting the idea that there are universal standards for truth and morality, believing every individual situation is relative to the entire context that exists) •Rationalism This philosophy holds that reason is the primary source of knowledge, and that truth is deductive in nature. (aka ‘I think therefore I am’ mentality, believing there’s an objective truth already in existence & getting there through logical deductions) (There’s absolutely so many more than just 4 options but yanno we are limited, so comment your stance below!)
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Ooo I like this! Definitely between determinism and rationalism. I'm not sure I understand the entire concept of rationalism but have heard the "I think therefore I am" phrase before

To add, I had a conversation with someone about our past lives/ancestors being our spirit guides through each life and I haven't been able to get that out of my head

@Melanie so maybe more along the lines of Compatibilism? (Or soft determinism!) acknowledges that our actions are determined by causes, but it emphasizes that these causes include our own desires, beliefs, and intentions. Which still allows for a sense of moral responsibility and agency, even within a deterministic framework

@Melanie but to the spirit guide part that leans more towards the philosophical views of metaphysics! Which is also fascinating

@Parker 又 sounds like that's the one actually! Okay where can I learn about all of these because this all sounds really interesting!!

@Melanie a super good place to start! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR9iLcR1afc&pp=ygUkUGhpbG9zb3BoaWNhbCBpZGVvbG9naWVzIGJyb2tlbiBkb3du

I am a mixt of rationalism and relativism 🤗

Good post!!!

Interesting! From these I think a mix of relativism and rationalism. I think most things are relative and even as an empathetic person you’re going to view life through your own lens. But I think this school of thought could lead down the track of any behaviour being justifiable because it is to that individual - which it isn’t. I think sometimes people try to use ‘my culture’ or ‘my belief’ as a shield which can’t be questioned or challenged. I like to be a bit more rigorous than that! I think it’s good to question things it’s how we learn. But there needs to be some basis to it other than it’s not your belief. I’m pretty pragmatic but I don’t think facts always trump feelings or that they hold equal weighting in all situations. There’s nuance to it. Life isn’t black and white to me. But I think the concept of ‘my truth’ which we hear so often these days can be dangerous. If someone can have their own truth then what even is truth?!

lol is there like a test I can take?

U kno like a personality test but for philosophical stances

Pragmatism and existentialism. Essentially, action dictates meaning. “We are what we repeatedly do” kind of vibe. Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that views language and thought as tools for prediction, problem solving, and action, rather than describing, representing, or mirroring reality. Pragmatists contend that most philosophical topics—such as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, belief, and science—are best viewed in terms of their practical uses and successes.

@Victoria~ lol I thought this too!

Of these choices, some combination of relativism and rationalism for me.

There does seem to be a set of standard rules that the Universe abides by, BUT on the other hand most things seem malleable according to experience and perspective. As if there are core principles, but we do have some influence on them according to how we focus our energy. Similar to a video game where there is some structure, but we still have some influence on the choices we make affecting our reality. I did choose rationalism, but it feels like a combination.

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Yaaasssssss more of this please 🙌🏾 now let me ponder on my answer thinking 🤔 🤔🤔

@Parker 又 I'm gonna watch/listen to this when I get the time! I've been thinking about life so much recently so the timing is interesting

I'm kinda a mix of Relativism and rationalism. I would say I'm more an existentialist though...

@Laura 🍉🇵🇸✊🏻 I love me some Sartre

@Sorrel I agree that like “my truth” in the way we see it pop up today is dangerous and harmful, but I also believe generally there’s a similar situation that happens when people hear about relativism as there is when people hear about anarchism. The initial thought is always if there’s no universal moral standard, society will collapse, and maybe society would, but humanity and community wouldn’t.

@Victoria~ probably I can look & see if there’s any good ones hehehe

@Genevieve as an autistic my brain is prone to pragmatism before anything else but I heavily resonate with relativism at its like core of what’s true for my existence is not the only truth to exist.

Anybody seeking a quiz to help you There’s this one & there’s one other one hold on https://www.idrlabs.com/philosopher-personality/test.php


Yeah I can see the comparison. But for me, I think the danger with relativism is that it could be too individualistic. Whereas I see community as more central to anarchism. On its worst day I think relativism could be - one rule for me, based on ‘my truth’ and my moral code and another rule for others. ‘We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions’. Worst case scenario I think relativism could be seen to reject the idea of community. I kind of think relativisms hearts in the right place but the fluidity of it can make it too open to interpretation. It’s all grey areas. I don’t think anarchy is necessarily about total chaos, rather rejecting what we have currently. Community would have to be a big part of that for it to work but I don’t think enough people care enough about others for it to be truly viable.

@Sorrel I definitely hear ya! I think most take it far more literally than others in the individualism it allows! I personally believe in relativism all the way through to the point where the golden rule still exists, don’t do onto others as you wouldn’t want done onto yourself type beat. Cause like who am I to say that it really wouldn’t happen back to me the way I dished it out

🤦🏽‍♀️ ugh reading that back I sound so cynical. I do think a lot of people are good and want good things for others too! I’m definitely in a couple of different camps with my philosophy. I think I need to do the quiz!

@Sorrel Cynicism is very welcome on all my posts LMFAOOO I love the discussion & learning what others believe about life & others (: But philosophy is fun cause a lot of philosophers actually contradicted themselves! Cause they’d continue pondering and exploring new ways of understanding perception, and have multiple theories authored by the same person but exploring things that made the last theory make no sense at all

I got realist - 100% as expected! Yeah I love these kind of conversations and hearing what people think and playing devils advocate on my own points too! Also a fan of a juicy hypothetical :)

@Sorrel I could hypothesize foreveeeeeer Lmfaoo people hate me

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@Parker 又 I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. Like, you can believe that truth depends on context and take that into account when determining the practical application of something. For example, what people believe to be true about spiders likely differs depending on if they’re from Canada or Australia. Canadians have little to fear when it comes to spiders, whereas Australians should be at least cautious. These context-dependent truths will inform how a Canadian or an Australian would react to encountering a spider in the real world.

@Genevieve 10000%!!

I got realism from the test. I looked it up and it makes a lot of sense I think

@Victoria~ there’s different subdivisions of realism as well!! it’s direct opposite is idealism

@Parker 又 I got idealist.... I think it depends on my mood... 🤣

@Laura 🍉🇵🇸✊🏻 idealist doesn’t immediately mean optimistic!!! It means you believe the reality we live in is mainly constructed of projected ideas from your brain not that those ideas & objects actually really exist!

@Parker 又 that sounds accurate.. I really need to learn more about philosophy...

@Laura 🍉🇵🇸✊🏻 the video I linked up in the comments before is a good fun place to start!!!

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