We introduced it with meals for water. But plan to incorporate it more soon. She’s not a huge fan but she’s gonna just have to get use to it. She’s kinda lazy and doesn’t like to hold her bottle/sippy cup up. lol
I highly recommend doing some research on sippy cups vs straw cups from peer reviewed sources. Lots of feeding and speech language pathologists recommend skipping the sippy cups all together due to the negative impacts. No shame whatsoever these babies do not come with a hand book. Do some research and find what product best to start with.
@Madelyn this! I was reading about how sippys aren't recommended anymore for speech development reasons and we went from bottles to straw/open cups right at 6mo. Never touched a sippy and our Ped is super happy with it
@Mik yes!! I never want to be pushy about the advice but I worked in peds for years before I became a mom and it’s so important to inform yourself
@Madelyn we moved when LO was 4.5 months and her new office is unfortunately very behind in a lot of information! I've had to stay as on top of the recommendations as I can because I want to put my best into the whole child raising adventure.
We went through so many sippy cups to find the right one. My lo perfers straw cups tho she finally took to it and has been drinking out of them instead of bottles now! I started introducing it at meals and once she took to it I switched a bottle a day until she was on no bottles. Night one was the last one I transitioned.