If research. Start making a registry. But wouldn’t start buying until a bit later just because you never know how the pregnancy will go or the gender or anything like that. I bought stuff to announce to people. But didn’t start buying till later. I just made a registry of everything I wanted. And then I could send it to people or buy off of that
Also if you create a registry like on target or other sights the last like couple of weeks they might give you a discount
I would definitely wait until after 12 weeks to start buying anything x
Research by all means, but I personally wouldn’t be buying yet. As someone who has had 2 losses, we waited until 16 weeks with our rainbow baby 🤍
I agree with the other saying wait till 12 weeks at least. My fiancé and I got really excited and literally went out the day we found out we were pregnant and started buying unisex cute little baby stuff like Binkys and what not. Started doing research on bottles and starting to pick up bottles A few weeks later, I went in for a scan, and there was no fetal pole found. I go back in today for another. We are thinking I was just a bit too early to see baby 💗. Still, I would wait until at least 12 weeks so everything is a little bit more solidified !!
It’s never too early. I started buying things at 6 weeks. It very much depends on what YOU are comfortable with. The “12 week safe zone” is a myth and archaic 🙄
@Donna Woods it’s just very hard to go through a miscarriage in general and with a closet full of baby items makes it harder.
I bought a crib when I was 4 weeks, so…LOL Make an Amazon wishlist for baby. After your baby shower (or any random date you put on there), then everything on the list is 15% off :p I googled and read reviews on different baby products. I also searched in peanut what people prefer (as far as function goes).
I waited till my first scan! Then brought little bits! Waited till 25 weeks to order my pram and would not have it in the house till she was nearly due! X
@Emma @Sky baby loss can happen at any time. You have to live the joy at every stage when you can. The “12 week safe zone” doesn’t exist, sadly.
@Donna Woods I understand it can happen anytime. Statistically more losses happen between the first. 12 weeks… that’s fine, It’s all personal preference. All I think we are trying to say is for us personally having & buying baby stuff then going through something traumatic it didn’t help whatsoever. I’m glad it helps you, but it did not help us. We are just trying to give our advice as much as you are. 🤍
@Sky which is why my comment literally said “depends what YOU are comfortable with”
@Donna Woods yes but you’re consistently commenting with my name in it coming at me. I’m just talking from my own experience not understanding why you continuously trying to correct me when I am not wrong. 🤍 i’m a little busy and I have an appointment to get to have a great day, hun 🤍✨
@Sky she's not coming at you, she was having a discussion and replying to your response. At the end of the day you both make valid points, it's all about personal preference and not having a go at people for doing things differently (not saying you are but ik of a lot of ppl who do that)
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Personally I would hold of with buying things until around 12 weeks once you’ve had your scan and you know everything is okay with baby. I started buying things like clothes (gender neutral) at around 6 weeks and I sadly lost the baby 5 days later and I’ve stored everything I bought in a memory box as I couldn’t bring myself to use it with my daughter. By all means though start researching things like nursery furniture, different types of bottles (not every bottle is a size fit all), different dummies, the travel set you’d like. All the things that you aren’t 100% sure about or would like to know. But like others have said there’s no “safe zone” but at least at your 12 week scan you know baby is doing well x
@Sky 😂😂 ok hun. I wasn’t consistently coming at you - I literally replied to comments that you tagged me in. If you don’t want a discussion or conversation perhaps don’t tag people in comments 😂 Also editing your comments after I’ve replied 👌🏽😂
I keep seeing this Donna Woods person tagged, but I don’t see her comments. I guess I’m blocked??
I didn’t start buying things until a bit later maybe 16 weeks? But when I found out I felt an immediate time crunch panic followed by the realisation that 10 months is a long time 😂 so I think at this early stage the best thing to do is relax and rest, try to eat well. Start doing some research, start taking your prenatal and register with the midwives. You have plenty of time and as others have said you may well find deals and sales later on. Car seats actually expire too so you don’t want to buy it too soon you’ll lose time on the guarantee etc.
Congratulations! Everyone is different I personally wouldn’t buy until I’ve passed 12 weeks and nothing major until after 20 week scan but it’s very individual - buying things early means you need to find or have space to store things. I’d also be mindful of upcoming sales that could happen depending when you’re due. You may also be gifted certain things from family friends etc. If you’re going to do anything I’d invest in antenatal classes and research car seats etc.