I feel the same! We moved in October, but basically moved into a building site! We’ve currently got no back wall to the house, and no furniture or carpets in the main bedroom, or nursery! Plus the kitchen is squeezed into a tiny room whilst the work is being done! I’m 31 weeks currently, and I feel so stressed! All I want to do is get organised, and I can’t! And I’m so worried the baby will come early and the place is just not ready! Totally feel your pain! x
I moved at 36 weeks with my first, baby will be in with you for 6m so try not to worry about own room for now. We did it when baby was here, in an ideal world it’s nice to have but as long as they have a bed, clothes and you, they’ll be happy 🩷x
Hey, I was in a similar position so I totally understand how you feel! It was so frustrating and stressful not to feel prepared, however our little girl didn’t arrive until 40w+ so leaving it all til 38-39 weeks meant I had something to occupy me when I was alone at home on maternity leave ☺️ we only set up a next to me when we arrived from the hospital with her and it wasn’t an issue! Do ensure you’ve got a few outfits / sheets / muslins washed and hospital bags packed if you can’t do it all
I am in exactly the same position at 36 weeks. Baby room being used as the "spare room" for boxes to unpack. Feels overwhelming but aiming to unpack a few boxes a day after work. I've set up the crib by our bed so at least I have that, but do feel stressed about the clothes. Just praying that baby girl sticks to her due date or later so I can sort everything out. I don't think you're being unreasonable at all- just try and keep calm. I keep thinking moving must have been just as stressful for my partner as me as he had to do the bulk of it. And just think every box is working towards your new family home and life. This is part of building your nursery. We will get there 🙏❤️