What would you do?

A friend of mine sends her boy to a childminder a couple of times a week. Today she got a call from the childminder to say her boy was bitten by the dog. Upon asking more it turned out childminder was not in the room and cannot tell her anything about the incident. Childminder did an accident form, saying I was upstairs getting a child to sleep, dog was asleep on sofa and boy woke dog up resulting in bite. Big sister also attends setting and said boy stroked dog it turned and bit him. Mum phoned me and asked my advice as a mum but also someone that works in childcare. I said as a mum I’d complain to Ofsted but that’s my thoughts as childcare too! Mum already had reservations about this childminder but is really laid back and they are dog people she’s just scared that it could have been much worse! Child has been to hospital and the hospital have said all dog bites in children have to be reported so that’s out of her hands. What would you do?
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Absolutely no way my child would be attending that setting. I’m also a child carer and if the dog was deemed to be a risk is should be locked away

I would not be sending them back there. Like you said, it could have been a lot worse! The dog is clearly not fit to be around children and should not be left alone with them.

@Alice so I asked more about the dog! She said dog is reactive but minder does not believe in separating as she feels it’s unfair on dog (family pet but all teenage children) I said is there any sort of policy surrounding the dog? What’s in place to protect the dog and kids? She said she had no idea and dog was then locked outside until she went to collect, when she collected it was jumping up and going mental at the gate at her

Whether it’s reactive or not I don’t believe a dog should be left with children in your care as a childcarer unless supervised so she can lock it away whilst she goes to put other children asleep. Either way I would tell my friend that she would be silly to send her child again and make sure it is reported to all appropriate people

I don't think a dog should ever be left alone in a room with children, no matter how friendly they usually are, and definitely not when a child is being cared for by formal childcare! I personally wouldn't let my child go to a childminder's with a dog, you never know!

I can’t believe she even has a dog there and leaves it alone with children. Even if I had my own dog it would never be left alone with my child. So yeah I’d be reporting and never returning.

@Ella I am also a childminder, and have a dog! I trust my dog 1million% but he’s also never left unsupervised with any children! I have a policy stating that I as a childminder will do everything I can within my power to protect the children but also the dog! If I go upstairs to put anyone to bed the dog is either shut in the garden and door locked or he’s locked into his crate and the kitchen door shut! Yes it takes longer but the children being safe is most important but I’d also never want anyone thinking ill of my fur baby

I wouldn't be sending my child back there. I'm not putting all blame on the dog but children should never ever be left unsupervised with a dog. The nicest of dogs can just turn. That child minder was pretty irresponsible and it does need reporting. My friend is a child minder. They have a Cockerpoo. Hyper as anything but lovely. Always supervised or in crate. Xx

Thing is my child would never go to a childminder who has a dog. Don’t care if they are friendly or not it’s a no for me. She needs to be report this

This is incredibly inconsiderate and neglectful in terms of safeguarding practices. I also cannot believe that she would have the dog around the children in her home- I truly don’t understand how that hasn’t been risk assessed and deemed appropriate. My mum is a childminder with dogs and has always prioritised the children’s safety by shutting the dogs away. Absolutely this warrants a report/complaint into Ofsted. I’d also be concerned as a parent about the children being left unattended downstairs…. I hope the little boy is okay. 😔 As a parent, I’d be absolutely livid.

I'm sorry a dig shouldn't be in any contact with children they should be separated I would report it to ousted that's why I think childminders should have a separated area for their business

@Chloe so this is exactly what I’ve said to my friend! I prioritise the children every time, dog can’t tell you they’re finding that child annoying or actually they just want to be left alone so the owner/childminder needs to make that decision and to me it sounds like childminder is prioritising the dog over the kids and to even lay blame on the child makes me sick (child not quite 2)

My childminder has a dog and she locks him in the room that the children aren't in. They're never left alone with him. I'm not even sure she'd leave them alone regardless of the dog. She's very systematic so she'll set nap time up so that she's not leaving any children on their own/out of eye sight for more than a moment...even with things like eating she won't leave them...xx

All dogs are a risk. They shouldn’t be left alone with children let alone in a childminding space

I support most of the opinions here. I would be taking my child out of that setting and reporting it. I’m also a dog lover but there are so many ways this is wrong and dangerous for the dog, and also the children left alone.

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