Other children’s behaviour

At preschool there is one boy who hits a lot and the other children have labelled him as the naughty boy. My little girl loves playing with the noisiest child she can find so is often playing with this boy. However every day she tells me he’s hit her, trapped her somewhere, covered her in a blanket etc and she says she tells him to stop it, they’ve taught the kids to say my voice matters and I know my little one is very vocal if she doesn’t like something but he doesn’t listen then she ends up crying until a staff member rescues her. The staff there never tell me any of these things happen. Is that normal? Would you be having chats asking someone to supervise their play better? Ideally she wouldn’t play with him as she always says he’s mean to her because she’s a girl too 🙈 but obviously she needs to work that out herself. Other mums say their girls have had similar issues but they have stopped playing with this boy..
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I’d absolutely be asking their interactions to be more closely monitored I’m also very shocked preschool don’t relay this to you considering she’s crying and they have to help her! But also you honestly don’t know this kids background and why he’s ‘naughty’ so I’m glad you’re not encouraging your daughter not to play with him! But absolutely speak to them about it and see what they can do

I had something similar & currently going through now. Had a meeting with the setting, as this is down to the adults to be monitoring and they have a duty to care. If I don’t see any improvement I’m pulling her out & making an complaint

It’s definitely needs to be monitored by the setting! My boy has issues playing (autism) with the other boys he finds them a real challenge but plays so beautifully with the girls. It may well be that the child has similar issues and unless it’s a serous incident they wouldn’t report it every time

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