Chances are your wee was just too diluted for the digital X I wouldn't take a digital till a couple of days past your missed period x
I have done 6 tests all positive so I'm definitely pregnant , just wondering why my hcg is taking so long to rise xx
It can take up to 2-4 days after the first positive test to really know a difference xx looking good!
So shall I take one tomorrow morning if I got my first positive Wednesday xx
Or shall I take it Monday xx
I would take it on Monday, give your body enough time to let your hCG rise for the test to register it as they need a lot more hCG. You’re defo pregnant tho, congratulations! Xx
Praying for you! I had tests like these and it ended up being a chemical, the line just faded away eventually 😞. Make sure you're using your first urine for a test, it'll be the most concentrated. The best test to be honest is a beta blood test to see how the HCG levels rise every 48 hours.🙏🏻🙏🏻
I would take it Monday,as hard as it is that would be best xx
@Stephanie I drink alot during the night ,afternoon wee was always better as I drink less in the afternoons than evenings 😂my tests where always darker in the afternoon if you drink alot in the night it's not as accurate...
@Stephanie so I'm having a chemical ? X
@Amie no she's just talking about her experience,your lines do look darker I wouldn't worry yourself xx
I hope so xx
I took this one at 1.30 pm today xx
Then this was at 9.00pm do they look darker x
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The lines should get darker in 48 hours, I've seen some people get darker lines within a day. I would make sure your urine isn't diluted with a lot of liquids. Every body is different. An HCG blood test by the doc is the best way to go. Didn't mean to scare you💕
I feel my tests are getting lighter xx
HCG fluctuates in early pregnancy this is normal ,unless it's negative don't worry xx your wee could of been more diluted too ,you need to give it a chance to get darker ,take my advice don't test everyday ..I know it's hard but try to distract yourself and test again ,in 2 days xx
People are making me worried saying I'm having a chemical or I'm not acc pregnant 
@Amie those tests are definitely positive so whatever people are saying it's definitely bullshit ,you have some really nice dark tests right there ...your levels will go up and down ...sometimes it goes down and comes back up xx
Your second wee is darker too that's a good sign please don't panic xx
I@Holly I just don't understand why my first morning wee isn't picking it up but my second is .... every one is making me feel so bad and scaring me
@Holly I took those digital and one of those tests the 9th February it's now the 13th and that's how dark it is surely it should of gone up 🥺xx
@Holly and I wired it out today I'm either 6 or 7 days late for my period so surely xx
Sometimes womens wee are more darker in the afternoon and my tests have always been like this ,you might just be one of those xx
And mine took full 8 days to really get like this test at the top xx as long as your not bleeding or having horrible cramping ,your pregnant as of this moment and till the next 💕try not to read too much into tests , because being this anxious isn't good either xx
If your really worried ask for blood tests to help clear your mind xx
@Holly does it matter how much you drink in the night before you test again xx
@Amie yes definitely ,if you want to test first thing ..don't drink loads during the night because it will dilute the test ,as you still early xx
Not enough hcg for digital yet