I think people always say “let’s agree to disagree” and then when someone disagrees with them in a discussion they believe it’s turning into an argument instead of it staying a discussion. Theres also a difference between being told your opinions are wrong, and being told that you are just factually incorrect. You can agree to disagree when your opinions & feelings are said to be “wrong”, but when you have been factually incorrect it’s a disservice to yourself to continue to believe you were right all along.
It's OK to disagree. It's OK to challenge and be challenged on opinions. If you openly share your opinion, on a public forum, you should expect (or at the very least not be surprised by) an opposing opinion or a challenge. I don't think it's OK to spout a hateful or harmful opinion, you will definitely be challenged on this, and rightly so. I also think if your opinion is based on demonstrably incorrect information and/or context, its also fair to be corrected.
Everyone is for sure entitled to their opinion. Lots of things are a matter of opinion. When people argue with things that have been proven like simple example if you want to hold your baby and sit in the front seat while driving down the highway instead of leaving them safely strapped into the car seats that have been developed and tested and improved upon year after year....... then you should be corrected to say the least. One of my least favourite expressions is "my truth". No such thing. There is THE truth, and then there's your opinion, and your experiences. Like just because your child slept with a crib full of blankets and stuffed animals right from birth and didn't suffocate to death doesn't mean its "safe" and fine for everyone to do this because babies DO die from that. (Again, another simple example) Also, people need to calm down. Being personally offended because someone has a different opinion is not worth the effort. Share your difference in opinion sure but don't take it so personally.