Are you sure they don't like you, I assume these ladies are older, in general older people love kids and miss when their kids were little or really want geandkids etc, and they probably do like your kid. Your kid is a different person to you, so just because they may not like you they may like your child, with your mum over riding your not sure how to combat that one
@Kat yes my mum plays victim and it’s Annoying. She’s not trustworthy and have broke my trust over and over regarding my child. I would love to be able to have my son to be able to stay with his grandma more often but I’m not willing to with someone who isn’t trustworthy. That’s my heart right there. They’re my mums age late 40s. One has a child a year older than mine and the other one has an 8 and 15 year old so I don’t get what the issue is and I find it quite rude tbh.
i 1000% understand u & its strange i always say if u dont like me there is no way you’ll like my daughter shes literally came out of me lol