Am I wrong for not having called my SIL?

My SIL gave birth yesterday to my niece. Once we heard the news I congratulated both her and my brother via text message. She had a long labour which ended in c-section, so my assumption was that she’s tired and would want to rest. I didn’t call her because I’ve had 2 kids myself and I know how tired I was after birth, I didn’t really want to speak to anyone. My mum is saying I should have called her and that she’s probably going to be upset that I didn’t call her. Am I wrong for not calling her yet?
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No you’re being thoughtful. I’d probably just msg and say, let me know when you’re up to a chat 🩷

I called people when I was ready 👍🏻 a text was lovely to receive that people were sending love but I really didn’t have anything say to anyone 😂😂

Accidentally clicked yes but meant no!!!

No way! I was knackered, I could handle texting but no way did I want any calls after my section! I couldn’t exert that much energy and just wanted to be staring at my baby! 🥹

"Hey I just wanted to wake you up and tell you that I heard you had a baby, congrats, and tell me everything you havent had a chance to process." No thanks.

A simple text would be nice but if it was me that had just given birth, I’ll ring people when I’m ready to. I bet it’s exhausting enough as it is never mind having to answer the phone as well

We didn’t tell family until the next day he was here 😂😂 I loved our bubble of 3 🥰🥰🥰

The last thing I’d want after labour is people calling me! I think you made the right choice

The only person who called after I had my son was my mil to my husband to make sure we were ok . The only person I called after having him was my sister on FaceTime since she was outta state and I wanted her to meet him as a newborn

I usually say in a text message when I write to folks after birth that I don’t expect a response but that I’m all ears if they want to text or call for any reason whatsoever so they know I’m thinking of them and am available but there’s no pressure!

Oh no you were right I hated phone calls right after labor my first time was 36 hours of he's stuck agony and my next one was turned the wrong way so I kept having labor and then it would stop and try to start again over and over there's no way I'd want a billion phone calls after all that I was exhausted

No disrespect to older people but a lot of them think everyone wants to be bothered as soon as they have given birth / baby has arrived when the truth is the opposite. Someone in my family thinks she is going to be waiting in the waiting room as I am giving birth so she can meet baby when they are few mins old!!

I loved all the text messages after giving birth and was nice to read them when I was just sitting around in hospital… wouldn’t want to actually speak to anyone on the phone though 😂

I definitely wouldn't have been answering the phone for at least a week after giving birth!! A text is fine 😊

I think it’s more respectful to send a text and not try to guilt them into talking by calling lol. If they wanna talk on the phone they will call you!

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I got a couple phone calls after giving birth and didn’t really appreciate them 😂 I was tired and just wanted to rest with my baby, not rehash my birth over and over. You can always call later on

I would have ignored every call after giving birth!

The last thing I wanted to do after labour was talk to people on the phone and mine was quick. I'd much rather just messages and then when I'm settled and ready, I can phone people if I want to. You've messaged which I feel is completely ok and respectful

I think it good to call and it’s for her to decide to pick or not .. everyone is different I was very happy to receive calls after giving birth

I think it’s generational differences. Tbh I would hate people calling me up after birth. That time is for rest and bonding with baby.

after my c-section even texts were too much for me. i hardly went on my phone. had so many people come and meet them aswell the first week or two at home. my MIL invited basically her whole family without asking because of how “excited” they were to meet MY children. next time i have a baby, im not allowing anyone to the hospital other than my mum, my partner, my dad and my partners mum and dad. and I WILL SAY when im ready for people to come over to my house to meet my child. i was too scared to say anything. i think your being very polite and thoughtful and when she’s ready she will call around. i did xx

If you’re worried about it then just send a follow up text “would love to talk to you all about it when your ready but wanted to give you time to sleep or whatever you need right now”

I wished people left me alone 🤣 I didn’t even want visitors but I’d rather a text than a call 100% I find myself rolling my eyes when people call me anymore because I just don’t have the time and patience to be glued to my phone answering the same bloody questions

I'd voicenote. A little better than a text, but not as intense as a phonecall 🤣And she can listen when she's ready, and hear the sincerity on your voice x

Not at all! I didn’t even speak to my own parents when my baby was born and my delivery was relatively straightforward. My partner made the phone calls with the news so I could rest x

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