@Katie thank you and this makes me feel much better, its my first baby and Id be so disappointed If I didn’t get to feel one of the best parts of pregnancy xx
@Athalia honestly please don’t worry at all! Only thing I’d recommend if you’re having a 4D scan in the future is have a fizzy drink & a cake or something before you go in! When I had mine with my son, he was stuck to the placenta at the front so we couldn’t get good photos so I was sent out to have a fizzy drink and a cake and after that it was great!😂xxx
@Katie I try to have a fizzy drink before any scan as my baby boy never wants to be in a position we need him to be in at scans 😂😂 I struggled this time around because we ended up nearly being late due to pram shopping but I didn’t know this would help to get a 4D scan they did try and could only see my placenta so ill just keep asking at every scan and keep this in mind. Thank you. Xxx
I had an anterior placenta with my first boy and don’t you worry you will feel kicks!!! Let’s just say that!
So exciting for you! Mine is two weeks later. 😍
Congratulations!! & no not at all! It just means it can be a little later to feel them. I had an anterior placenta with my son and felt him about 21 weeks, but still had very strong kicks throughout the pregnancy xxx