Breach baby

I went to my 28week scan today and they've told me baby is bottom downways and breach , they will check at my next appointment which is in a few weeks if he still is breach if not they will have to do something to try turn him in not sure what's it called I've forgot my memory is so bad at the moment😂😂but it 50% chance of working , what happens if this is the case and he will not turn do u have to have a c section can u not do. A vaginal delivery?
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You cannot have a vaginal delivery with a breech baby. However, I had a growth scan in the 3rd trimester and baby was breech, by week 36 she turned head down, no intervention needed. So there’s still time for baby to turn!

There’s plenty of time to turn yet! You would be offered ECV, but a planned section is also no where near as bad you might think

There’s still time for your baby to turn! Mine turned around 34 weeks but they were mentioning having to turn baby prior 😅 it is possible to deliver a breach baby (vaginal birth) but not many hospitals do it due to the risks. Royal hospital for women in randwick has a breach clinic btw! 🩷

the procedure to turn baby is ECV. my first was breech at my 36 week scan, got scheduled in and had the ECV about 5 days later. baby stayed head down and had a vaginal delivery a couple weeks later. my partner's sister had 2 babies, both breech and had C-section for both. first she found out she was breech whilst in labour but second was a planned C-section anyway.

@Meagan you absolutely can have a vaginal birth with a breech baby.

I wouldn’t panic yet you have loadsss of time. My baby was breech at 36 weeks and I went back a week later and he had turned around himself

@Meagan it’s not impossible, it can be done😂

You could also look into spinning babies!

My daughter was button down back to back till 37 weeks. Normally they’ll turn themselves. At 28 weeks it’s normal for them to still be bottom down they keep tossing and turning all over the place it’s when they’re steady head down at 38/39/40 weeks.

I had my 28 week today and baby is head down but the midwife literally said to me they’re still moving around so much this could change on a day to day basis and not to read too much into it. They only really want them confirmed head down at 36 weeks so before that not to worry either way still plenty of time x

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