Little lost.. So my last period was 08.01 due date will be based on my last period which makes my due date the 20th October? My period is usually a 33ish day cycle
Congratulations Same as me last year how strange my last period was 08.01 and my due date was worked out to be the 15th of October then changed to the 12th at my 20 my scan and baby came on the 2nd of October. So yes you work it out based on your last period that’s where professional count the 40 weeks from even though you would of concieved 2 weeks after that period so I know I concieved on the 25th of the digital tests measure your hormone level from when baby started growing
I think I conceived on the 27th! 🤣
So stick to being 4 weeks?
Digital tests are when you conceived so you conceived 1-2 weeks ago but the weeks of pregnancy are counted from your last period so you’ll be 4 weeks pregnant then you ovulate 2 weeks after a period so the digital is spot on where it should be does that make sense ?