Thanks! how old is your baby?
8 months!
Yes, it was essential for us! Just meant our little one had a safe space to play and I didnt have to worry about him coming into danger!
I used one for my first baby and I was going to not use it for my second but I definitely need it lol. She needs a place to play that is baby proof and big enough to move in while I clean and a packnplay is not big enough
I have two (one bedroom, one living room) - got them when she first started army crawling. Total sanity savers - only way I get anything done around the house…
Nope. We just let him play in the lounge.
We used the playpen as a bassinet for the first 8 months of her life in our room. Then we transferred her to her crib in her bedroom and haven’t used it much since.
I bought one for my 9 months old and what a waste of space honestly it’s nice if you had a big house but it’s not needed she never even likes going in it.
Mine hated his. Would scream any time he was in it. We called it baby jail and packed it up after about a month!
YES! It’s the only way I can go to the bathroom or prep her food!
Ours arrived on Saturday, LO is 7 months old. It's a nice safe space and gets up to less mischief as he's just started crawling the same day 😂😂 we thought we had an extra week😬 We've half childproofed the front room but now we have this we can take our time a little more. Also saves me worrying with picking up 1000 toys for guests etc. They just go in there. I put a sheet on the top the other day and instant fort too. Ours cost £30-40
@Claire… Instant fort… I hadn’t even thought of that… you just made my weekend…
I didn't like the idea of one, however we have a wild boy who's very active and we need to keep him safe. He's only in it for short periods when doing dishes or sorting dinner etc
I bought a small hexagon one off Amazon, definitely necessary if you don’t want to baby proof everything yet!
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Not a play pen but he has a travel cot for day time naps that is big enough to double as a play pen☺️ it’s so helpful to put him in to play when I have to get jobs done because I know he’s safe
My kids are 2 years and 11 months old and we use a playpen sometimes
We had a playpen and there was a sweet spot at around 8 months where he would play in it happily. This lasted a few weeks, after that, he would cry until we let him out again and we stopped using it
I have one and I have never used it. My son is almost 18 months now, so it would be pointless to unbox it.
No never had one.
Never used one for 3 kids
Essential!!! Safe for that’s baby approved
Yes! A very much needed essentials. It will also give you more freedom as baby safely plays without crawling away or getting into anything. My baby used hers until she was about 9 months old
I bought one thinking it was needed but never used it for that purpose instead part of it gets used to block the heater and the rest goes around the Christmas tree at the end of the year
@Krystal yes! Ours was very handy for going around the Christmas tree as well lol
We never got one because we didn’t find it necessary. Also he’s always hated being contained in any way so it wouldn’t have worked for us
We had one. Found it useful for a short amount of time. Probably not worth the money.
thanks all!
We just recently got one for our little one and it’s so nice. I’m able to do the dishes or clean up a bit while he keeps himself occupied and I don’t have to worry about him crawling into trouble!