@Julia do you have experience flying and staying somewhere away from home with 1 yr olds? Sorry if my question wasn’t straight forward but I’m only looking for advice from those that have experienced it
@Kylee any experience with flying on a plane? I think an 8 hr car ride is a lot different than air traveling. Looking for advice in that area
I've never even been on a plane so no help there just similar timeframe in travel in a similar age(: but my fiance has flown a lot and he said that experience sealed the deal that he would never take them on a plane until they're at least 3, we actually chose to drive because a 2 hour flight with them was more intimidating than a 8 hour drive 🫶🏻
@Kylee I traveled my whole life too, my husband and I were quite the travelers before having our twins. I’ve experienced being around kids and babies during flights. It doesn’t scare me. I’m just looking for experiences and tips to best prepare. Every baby is different too and if that’s what you felt was best for your twins I respect it!
We did a 8 hour car ride from Utah to Colorado when they were 16m old and it was absolutely so awful we decided not to travel with them again until they're at least 3 😅 my son screamed the entire first 5 hours and my daughter puked everywhere. It was a nightmare. 😅