
Does sperm gush out if pregnant?
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@Kendra Budd it feels like sperm is just gushing out after while i lay down. It wasnt really like this a week ago? So im wondering if its just exiting because its not needed?

I’ve had this happen pregnant and not pregnant. So I don’t think it’s pregnancy related.

No I think it’s just coming out because it doesn’t all stay in.

@Trinity ahh boo..😒 wanted to hold on to some hope there lol .. now im worried im losing my chances with it coming out this much even when i lay down

@Kendra Budd i hope the ones staying are good ones 🥲

Prop your hips up on some pillows with your legs up against the wall and let gravity work to your advantage after you do the deed. That’s what they advise you to do when doing IUI.

@Trinity can I just say this isn't needed. My first was conceived ( not planned) after a quickie which I got straight up after so u don't need to have your legs up against a wall etc.

@Annonymous ive been told this too.. but it just worries me so much leaks out that there wont be any left to do its job 🥲🥲

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