NIPT test VS ultrasound

So my NIPT test came back "abnormal" for monosomy X. I just had my NT ultrasound and everything looked perfect. NT measuring 1.3. I know monosomy X has up to a 70% false positive rate on the NIPT test. Do you think baby is healthy, also would love to hear stories if you have any. Thank you!
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That's something I would discuss with your doctor. They would be able to tell you better which results to trust.

@Cheyann I'm trying, I've been referred to 2 different high risk doctors, none of which are calling me back to get me in. I'm starting to get a bump now and I didn't really want to announce it until I knew things were good but not looking like I'm going to have a choice

I would call them multiple times a day if they aren't calling back. I have to go to a high risk doctor for my weight. My NIPT failed twice because I'm having twins and apparently one of my twins had 2 soft markers for downs syndrome in my anatomy scan. They were able to tell me they doubt he has it because of the markers that came up, one they see in babies all the time that don't have downs syndrome and one shouldn't have even been flagged because it was a ratio and the ratio shouldn't have been far enough off to flag it. They are very helpful. I honestly wouldn't worry too much because the NIPT only tests for chances baby has the genetic abnormalities, but I'm not a doctor.

@Cheyann Thank you! Maybe I should start calling them more. I'm definitely frustrated with how long they've been making me wait for something this serious. Wishing you the best of luck with your twins đź’•

Babes fine if you feel it with your intuition. If you feel worried then assess if you want the amniocentesis

Yeah, I definitely understand why you would be frustrated. I would be very upset at this point, I can't see why they think it's okay not to call people back 🤦🏻‍♀️ thank you, you too ❤️

Not sure if an option financially for you but you can book private scans and even a private NIPt test and repeat it to give you some piece of mind. If the sonogram would show up if that was an issue (sorry I’m not an expert) then does that mean it’s not an issue or just looks like it’s not an issue/can’t see. I’d probably just get on that phone every hour as suggested above and just annoy them until they can book you in. Don’t feel bad for doing it, it gets things done xx

Finally got an appt tomorrow! Let's hope they have good things to say!

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