Oz per hour?
Feel like I’m constantly questioning whether I’m doing the right thing every time my 4 weekers routine changes! I formula feed and I’ve noticed my little girls ‘routine’ or feeding pattern tends to be she’ll take as many oz as hours she goes inbetween feeds, for example 4 oz every 4 hours, or if she stretches to 5 hours she’ll take 5 oz. Today we’ve decided we wanted to go 6 hours, she’s just polished off a 5oz bottle and I’ve had to give her her dummy after to soothe her (she’s a big comfort suckler!).. now I’m thinking, should I be offering her 6 oz? I know they’re all different and we feed on demand but it just feels too much to offer 6oz at once and also 6 hours inbetween feeding just feels so long! She’s got reflux too so we’re always battling that after feeds too, despite keeping her upright for 30 mins minimum after feeding.
Hey just seen you’re in Worthing!! I’m in Rustington! I would make a 6oz bottle and see what she takes of it? If she’s content and not sick then she must be getting what she needs. I’m a massive overthinker with them eating too so you could always ask the health visitor?? My little boy takes 4oz every 2 hours usually which I thought is a lot but going by the feeding guide on the side of the formula it seems normal for his age! Xx