Can anyone explain to me
I’m not sure if I should be worried or not, I went to my seven week ultrasound appointment yesterday. My last period was December 29. And all of my periods are very regular. I go to my ultrasound and they cannot find my baby anywhere. So they recommend me going to the ER so my boyfriend and I sat in the ER from 11:30 am to 8:45 pm.
I basically told them when I got there that I had not been bleeding nor have I been having super bad cramps just the normal morning nausea .
First they told me that they think I was just having a miscarriage and maybe I missed it (which how on earth would I miss that considering I look in the toilet every time I use the bathroom just in case)
Then they told me that they thought the baby was growing outside of my uterus and they need to send me in for a vaginal ultrasound, even though I had already had one of those earlier that day hence why I was sent to the hospital. But before they sent me back to the ultrasound, they told me they just thought I was having an ectopic pregnancy and that I was gonna be okay I would just probably have to have a little surgery. Keep in mind this is my first time having a baby. I have no idea what the ectopic pregnancy is at this point.
And you know the hospital isn’t gate at explaining things like that.
Anyways, they sent me back to get my vaginal ultrasound. The tech couldn’t tell me literally anything until I got back to my hospital room. It took them an hour to come in there after I did it just for them to tell me the ultrasound tech couldn’t find anything.
They said it could just be an early ectopic pregnancy or the baby could just be way earlier than they thought and they just can’t see the sack. But they basically gave me no good news. They didn’t make me feel like that was a good thing. They just sent me home and told me to call my gynecologist the next morning.
Now my gynecologist appointment isn’t until February 19 and I have to wait 6 more days to find out if I even have a baby or not. Don’t feel like a real person. My HGC levels were high. So the hospital did say I am pregnant but like what do I even do with this information?
Stay postive my ❤️sending prayers your way. I just recently found out I was pregnant but my first prenatal visit isn’t until March 10 however I went for an early pelvic ultrasound and they told me that they can see a sack but they can’t see an embryo they told me that I needed to wait two weeks to come back because its still really early so the embryo is hard to see.Maybe you are to early just try to remain calm and positive.