In the guide with our latest Lovevery playkit it says they should be able to sometimes stack 3 blocks by the time they are 18 months. So I think you've probably got a few months before it's time to worry!
My daughter also prefers to knock down!
Knocking them down is the start of them learning how to build them. Learning about the consequences of their actions and cause and effect. It’s not meaningless it’s really important 🥰
Thank you all. It's hard sometimes not to worry with everything you read everywhere. "They should be doing this, they should be doing that, etc". It can get a bit overwhelming when they in fact do and will do what they fancy really. And learn from all.
He will stack one or 2 on top of each other but gets frustrated. He’d much rather me build the tower and him knock it down. I’m not worried & didn’t even know I should be worried about it😂