@Sophie I get tantrums are normal, but I have never seen a baby scream for three hours straight without being able to be consoled. I am going to talk to his pediatrician, but they’re unavailable till Tuesday. I’m hoping someone may have an answer to what’s going on as I’m worried about his behavior. Thing is he also throws himself on my belly and tries to stand on it when I’m laying down and will try and put his weight on my belly hard and he’s about 30 pounds. That can’t be healthy even in her amniotic sack at three months. I’m scared one day he’s going to kick me really hard during his diaper change or slam his head into my stomach and cause something.
I would consider taking him to the osteopath. It really helps my baby to relax as they tend to accumulate a lot of tension sometimes. And there are baby songs that encourage breathing, I also put those to my baby.
@Aura I’ll look into that! I put on “shower sounds” and after 30 minutes he’ll finally wind down. I’ve been trying to teach him breathing exercises, but that’s gonna take a minute 😅
I meant songs like this one (but off course without the video because that can be worse for now)I hope it helps and also making sure they get a lot of fresh air going outside I feel it helps https://youtu.be/M7fPGp9feYc?feature=shared
@Aura oh yes we love kiboomers. That’s a good one. I’ll try it next time.
He's having big feelings that he doesn't yet know how to control or express, it all sounds like completely normal behavior but if you are concerned then definitely talk to your pediatrician as they are the only ones who can actually tell you what's going on. Please don't worry about him hurting the baby while she is in your tummy as she is so protected in there.