Check or wait!!???

So I have a ultrasound appointment on Monday and I really want to know the gender to my baby but I also want to wait til birth I just don’t know what to do! What would you guys do?!
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i voted wrong i would find out!!!

I wanted to find out at my 20 week scan last week, but baby had other ideas. I didn't find out with my first, and loved having my husband tell me before baby was passed to me

See how you feel on the day 🥰

i didn't find out with either and honestly it was the most amazing thing. it really helped me push through the labour. with my first we were so sure it was a girl. i woke up bleeding, went hospital and was in labour. baby's heart rate was dropping and needed an episiotomy, they quickly got them out and put them on me whilst dealing with the bleeding. baby was out for over a minute before they said "you don't know what you have do you?" and lifted baby up to see we had a little boy. that was the biggest surprise. then with my second, we hoped for a girl as we knew we wouldn't have anymore. no bleeding, so got my water birth and when the midwife pulled up baby and showed us it was a girl, we both cried. my sister had a gender reveal with all 3 of hers as she is one of those that has to know. if you have to know then find out but if you are debating waiting and think you can.. i would. i was so happy i didn't find out.

Waiting is magical and gets you through birth xx

If you want to know, find out! I've known with both mine and giving birth was just as magical! Each to their own!

You’re already 35 weeks and haven’t found out yet that’s so impressive I say wait it out!

I didn't find out with my son, although we were convinced he was a boy. It was exciting to be handed our baby and told "it's a boy". We found out with our second, I wasn't sure if we would. I had been struggling a bit to bond with baby due to awful morning sickness, and actually knowing helped. It was different when she was born and already knowing

I waited both times and I’m so pleased I did

Or do what I did, find out but don't tell anyone. Just you an your partner. Don't tell anyone you know so they don't pressure it out of you. That way when baby's born you still have that exciting moment where everyone is calling saying what is it? Not just how much did baby weight. I knew both times, my partner knew only the second time and said he kind of wished he didn't find out as it was even more exciting the first time. Now I have a boy and a girl I wouldn't bother finding out if I have another. Part of me regrets finding out both times but I also know I couldn't have waited 😑

They told me the wrong gender three times and found out I was having a boy at 34 weeks from a growth scan. I’d wait from my experience 🤣🤣

We didn’t find out with either it was so beautiful and magical ! And we didn’t tell the names we picked either so it was a surprise for us and our family … let’s be honest nobody cares how much a baby weighs😂 if you tell everyone the gender and names there’s not much left to tell 🥰 x

I'm neurotic and need to know. Like I was so stressed when we found out we were having a girl this time and didn't already have a name agreed on at the 20 week scan 🥲 lol

Not knowing would have been so fun and exciting however it was nice to know a little girl is coming hehe 💕💕

@Laurel it went really fast for me since I didn’t find out I was pregnant until a few months in the pregnancy 😭

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@Jennifer honestly my whole pregnancy has been a secret from a lot of people, only my parents and siblings really know😂😂 I wanna do a gender reveal but inviting people is hard since they are so judgmental 😭😭

@Jordan honestly I thought I was having a boy until people said I looked like I was having a girl now they’re saying I look like I’m having a boy😭😭 but just in case I have a girl and a boy name if I wait

@Kelly-Louise honestly no one knows about my pregnancy really, I plan on just posting my baby when they’re 3 months 😭😭 keep it a secret

@Laree I’m honestly excited to have a pretty princess or handsome prince coming! It keeps me excited not knowing but now I’m close to giving birth and don’t know what clothes to get 😭😭

@Aaliyah maybe just do an small gender reveal? Just you and your partner or maybe just your immediate family. You definitely need to try ignore judgemental people and cut them out your life if possible. You will find a lot of those people when baby is here and honestly noone needs that as well as the standard mum stresses xx

If you want to find out absolutely go for it! I will say with my son even though we knew we did mostly gender neutral clothes so if you do want to wait that’s always an option but if you don’t want to wait and don’t want to have a big gender reveal just something intimate you could do a small get together with a gender reveal cake or my partner and I got two baby outfits one pink and one blue and had the lady at the shop pack up the right gender and we opened that up together and it was very sweet!

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