Could also be because at this age toddlers tend to put the paint in their mouth. What are they made of?
As long as you are supervising they will be fine to use xx
It's most likely because they're not edible and under 3s are more likely to put it in their mouth, supervision is key x
I was sat right next to my little one showing her how to use the brush and encouraging her to hold it and within a second she snatched it and put a big blob in her mouth 😫
She spat it out and then throw up a bit
I feel awful now and worried could this harm her?
Think I’ll look at some edible paint options until she’s bigger
Not in that quantity. Just offer fluids as usual and she'll be fine. They will have ingested all sorts in the coming future until they stop putting things in their mouth; soil, worms, leaves, grass, forgotten food on the floor etc. Try using the home made paints in the interim, saw a recipe online with cornstarch, water and food coloring or blended fruits/vegetables for the different colours. Google it for ideas.
Thank you I will do 😊
You can make some homemade edible paints for babies, I know of one using corn flour and another using cream and food colouring, a quick Google will give you plenty of options. I'm sure she will be fine too don't worry too much especially if she was sick. Just offer lots of water to drink but any signs of her being unwell then call the GP x
Could it possibly be the pen caps??