I potty trained my just turned three year old over a week period where we stayed in all week and he was just completely bare bum with no pants. I read up a lot on the method and its success rates which is really high. Basically putting pants on them still gives them a sense of security that something is still there despite it not holding the wee, it’s still the feeling. We did three days bare bum, three days trousers with no pants then the seventh day introduced pants. Over those first three days there was lots of accidents however a lot of improvement, gradually over the week he understood it. He’s been trained since October last year and we have only had the odd accident since. There was no pressure, no timers, no drama. I explained to him the process at the beginning of the week and also prompted like remember to tell Mummy when you need a wee and that way he had no frustration towards it. If he did have an accident in those first few days, I’d say let’s try the potty afterwards x
When you're at home let him get on without any pants on!! Just until he gets the hang of a) telling you he needs to do a wee or b) he takes himself. Also, keep the potty near his play area so he can access it quickly. And to you Mama...hang in there, he will soon get it! Xx
I had a regression with my son he was doing the same just weeing and not telling me he wasn’t bothered and like someone else said had to go back to basics, taking him every 15 mins ish I slowly let this get abit longer each day for about 3 days then he started telling me again Not sure how you did it in the beginning but we did pant free for a couple of days then pants xx
Maybe go back to basics? Start with setting 15 minute timers on your phone to go put him on a toilet to get him out of the habit of just wetting himself. Then over time extend the timers and start adding in asking him in between. I think probably a more proactive approach to break the cycle and then over time reintroduce asking him when he wants to go when the timers are up to 30 mins or so?