
Should I be teaching my 22 month old to wait his turn to use the crayon or are you guys waiting til they’re a little older and fully understand sharing? I don’t think he gets it right now for sure but idk if I should be allowing him to just rip the crayons from my hands 🤔
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I do ask if I can try after she’s tried for a bit to learn a sense of sharing at her level

@Isadora Ive been modeling asking like that also 😁

I also model the language I would use if she was older. I know they don’t understand the concept yet at this age and it’s hard to teach, but I try to be consistent with language and teaching.

Sharing no, taking turns yes Rolling a ball back and forth is a good one to start with

“Mommy’s using yellow, you can try blue until I’m all done”. They understand a lot more than most people give them credit for.

Yes you absolutely need to start early. Sharing is a hard skill, like walking, that will take time. Focus on taking turns first. My 22 year old completely understands turns and sharing already, because she has an older brother and has been learning for months lol

If you let him snatch crayons now, it’ll only get harder/worse as he gets older

@Ashlyn That’s what I was afraid of. Definitely don’t want that.

Following cause I’m also struggling!

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