Hand washing

How often do you wash your hands after using the bathroom?
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Public every time as long as they don't have pink soap. It causes me to break out in hives. At home before I cook. I normally don't wash after I pee. Because I use a peri bottle to wash, so technically, I'm not touching anything down there, and because with a 2 - and 3 year old. I pee and get the hell out. Buy I sanitize my hands with germx 20 times a day.

Every time... with soap..

Literally every single time

Why is this a question 😑

Every time. The other %’s being that high is disgusting

Everytime! Only time I don’t is when public bathrooms have no soap but then I’ll use hand sanitiser from my bag 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Liyah because the number of times I’m in a stall and hear someone leave without washing their hands APPALLS me. I wanted to see how people would react anonymously 😭

Definitely every time, unless in a public bathroom and they haven’t got any soap left, I’ll use hand sanitiser then. My son can cry for 30 seconds whilst I wash my hands at home, would rather him be safe from my dirty hands than not cry for a short time.

Every time please, even after pregnancy. I am shocked that there is even a poll for this. Especially post COVID

I was always very confused by the fact that every public bathroom has a sign that says "employees must wash their hands before returning to work". I thought that everyone washed their hands, at the very least, when they use a public bathroom? I've never actually witnessed people not washing their hands, but that must be a thing. I'm wondering what their reason is for not?

It’s really concerning that people aren’t washing their hands after using the bathroom lol, so gross 🤢

This poll is cracking me up and disgusting me at the same time. This is why I don’t eat from everybody. There’s still a number of people who don’t wash every time.

every time 😭 everything in your bathroom is covered in germs

Every time, unless i go somewhere in public because i cant hold it any longer, and the sink is nastier then my hands would be. Then hell no 😂 i always got sanitizer with me tho

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