Big baby

Went for a scan this morning and was told my baby is 94th cential and weighing roughly around 4lb 15oz...I was also told she is still midwife on Friday so waiting to see what they say
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How many weeks are you?

32+2 x

Babies apparently gain half a pound per week in 3rd trimester so say baby came at 38 weeks, that's roughly 3lbs gained, making baby approx somewhere between 8-9lb if my calculations are correct, so not exactly a huge baby. But these growth scans are not always accurate for the majority

Thank you :)

Hi, if it’s any reassurance, scans are sometimes far from accurate. I was induced and told my little girl would be big, but she was only 6lbs 14oz. That was 37 weeks xx

Are you more likely to be induced if your baby is measuring big? X

i’ve been measuring big too. i’m 30 weeks tomorrow, at my 28 week scan they said he was looking 2lb 13oz already, they then got me to do the GTT test which was positive lol, but he feels huge inside me tbh, i’ve got another growth scan next week so i can’t wait to see how much he’s grown in those 4 weeks 🤣 i’m scared though. xx

Well I’ve had diabetes both pregnancies which explains why they were showing as big. I think they’re more likely to recommend you be induced, but that doesn’t mean you have to say yes. With me, they’ve recommend I don’t go past 39, just because I have diabetes (and high blood pressure) but it can apparently affect the placenta if baby is too big. Ideally I’m going to decline an induction unless it’s absolutely necessary, because last time they said she was big and came 3 weeks early but she would’ve been fine to stay a few more weeks xx

I just got back from my scan at 32+1 and my baby was estimated at 4lb 15oz too! But they said 65th percentile! I honestly wouldn’t worry about it I don’t think it’s all that accurate. I had growth scans last time to I was told he would be average weight he came out at 5lb 13oz as he had fetal growth restriction! I found this page really useful!! “Big babies” aren’t anything to be afraid of ❤️

Thank you all for your replies, has helped a lot :)

I am exactly the same as you! 4lbs 15 but he's not breech apparently he's got a big head 🤣🤣

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