Messy play

9month Ideas for messy play at home for a skint mum 🙈😂
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Have you got a cannof chickpeas? You can use the chickpea water with a whisk and it makes foam. It's a taste safe fun thing to play with, you can also use a bit of food colouring to make it more fun. We do water play, which she loves! A casarol dish, some toys and a bin bag to save my carpet 😹

Sugar free jelly is meant to be fun, too. It's on my to do list!

Jello dig, put toys inside a pan of jello or rings, pudding slime

Hot chocolate powder mixed with oats and water! Dry oats, pasta, can add food colouring. Chia slime. Obleck. Shaving foam. Cloud dough. Homemade playdoh!

Dry Pasta play. It’s sensorial and helps with motor skill development: As for the above idea on the hot chocolate so keep in mind that chocolate and anything cocoa is not recommended till after 1 as it has cafeine and can mess with their sleep.

Gloop is always good fun & easy! (Cornflour and water, add some food colouring if needed) U could use milk with food colouring again, paint brushes - paint the bed and then toast it! Jelly Water Some shaving foams aren’t recommended for under 2 Crushed wheetabix & coca powder - easy to make a farm set up for hay & mud.

Cling film on the table, put paint in it and then cover again ... they can explore the colours without getting too messy

Play with flour!

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