Don’t worry at all. It is the left over vernix or discharge from fall in exposure to your hormones. If it outside the genitals in the skin folds, gently clean during bath time. If it is inside you are not meant to pull the genitals apart or clean it just yet . It’s all natural so do not worry . When you go to GP for post natal mum and GP check up, ask the GP for advice or health visitor if you see one before that ( if you live in the UK).
My little girl had it, just leave it it’s normal, it will go on its own xx
Thanks ladies! I’ll try to gently clean it over next few days but nothing too heavy.
Sounds like vernix, it stays in all the cracks and folds xx
Have you tried using a thin flannel instead of a wipe? This is how I managed to get rid of most (not all!) of my little girls. Its likely just a buildup of oils/mucus/goo left from birth i think. I cant imagine it being anything harmful!