Mines 3 months old and bath her every other day
We do every other day and that’s more than enough. It’s still part of her routine on the nights we do it, the nights we don’t the rest of the routine stays the same so still clues her in to what’s coming. If it’s just to make it part of the routine at bed I wouldn’t do it everyday as it can dry their skin out at such a young age
Every night because of daycare (and she gets messy when feeding purées ) but then it just became a bedtime routine so even on the weekends I still do it
It honestly depends on your kids skin! We tried every night when my daughter was young (even without soap) and it made her eczema flare up really bad, but if they don’t have a problem with dry skin it shouldn’t hurt
I plan on getting a really good filter so I don't have to worry about water hardness and other chemicals. But I found that bath time really calms my son down. He loves it.
I bathe my 10 week old every other day. I worry that bathing her too much will affect her skin. On nights that we don't do bath, we do an extra long lavender lotion baby massage. And I've learned that washing her hair in the sink with the sprayer can calm her down as well, so I do that sometimes too.
Everyday. My girl is nearly 3 and we still do it everyday unless it’s not possible eg late out or something
With my first I did it nightly as part of the bedtime routine, but at some point I decided it was too much and now with my second we have baths once or twice a week or as needed if they have a day where they get particularly messy. But if nightly works for you and gross calm baby down that's great just make sure baby's skin isn't getting dried out.
Depends.. my daughter has severe eczema so we have to bathe every day. But it could cause dry skin on your 2 month old
My daughter goes twice a week, unless she made an absolute mess of herself. She is 15 months and always done it like this. Babies dont get dirty and their skin will dry out easily so try not to do it too often
Im at 2 and a half weeks and we bathe him every 3rd day. (Unless he explodes out of both ends at once 😂)
Always been every other day or 2-3 days and still the same now at 2. Unless obviously he has made himself dirty then he will obviously be bathed regardless
If you want to make it part of the routine, i think you could do it! I would just say don’t use soap every night because it could dry out their skin