@Kai I don't know, you can try searching the name of it
No advice but this video just made my day. Thankyou 😍
@Sera Kay ✨ glad to hear it. My son loves to jump but he's wild. This is t even the worst. He's jumped so high that he lifts out for the basket a little. I'm finally going to Ave a rollercoaster partner when he gets bigger! (My hubby hates them)
I sadly have no input but I just gotta say I love love his jumps 🤣🤣 a little frog I swear! My girl LOVES her jolly jumper and just understanding the concept of jumping 7 months too 🤣
@Nevaeh thank you. Do you know where I can find more info on it besides Amazon though? I need to know if it passes Canadian safety standards. It says US and Europe but I know Canadian standards are sometimes much more strict.