I got my baby vaccinated at her 2 week appointment since I didn't get the chance to get the vaccine while pregnant and I wanted her protected in case she were to be exposed.
I got it while pregnant and have no regrets. Newborn baby is doing great.
i didn’t get the rsv vaccine for my daughter and she’s 3 days shy of being a month old. she’s doing perfectly fine and very healthy! if you don’t want her to get it just keep people away. anyone with a sniffle or cough i told to stay home. anyone who wasn’t sick i had them wash their hands and use hand sanitizer. i made sure no one smelled like smoke/had smoked or had perfume on. the rsv vaccine is very new as of last year and i didn’t feel comfortable getting it or giving it to her because it was such a new vaccine. i don’t know what’s in it and the effects of it so i said no thanks!
I got it when I was pregnant. So far no regrets
@Danielle I agree, with how new it is I don’t feel comfortable with her getting it. I definitely keep people sick away, I try to limit places we go with her. basically other than family and walks she’s inside with me. everyone I make wash hands and hand sanitizer. Obviously no kissing I barely even kiss her same with her dad. thank you so much for your comment! 🩷
I got mine when I was pregnant. Sick season is no joke
@maile then you’re doing great! your baby shouldn’t get sick so you definitely don’t need it, but that’s up to you to get it! i just get weird with new vaccines they’re pumping out!
With it being winter and the rise of flu’s and sickness going on . I decided it was best to get it. My entire family and household caught a nasty flu a few weeks ago and my baby was perfectly fine never got whatever we had. I like to think the vaccine helped