He’s soo uncomfortable and he’s tired I’ve even gave him calpol but it still doesn’t work. What formula is your little one on? X
He’s on aptamil aswell I’ve never had a problem with it my wee one is farting crazy at night time aswell I have been giving him infacol twice daily for 2 days now I also bathed him last night and massaged his tummy that seemed to give him some relief he has never slept through the night but recently it’s been a lot worse up maybe 5/6 times and then he’s tossing and turning until I finally get him back to sleep! The massage deffo helped him sleep a lot better sorry I’m not much help but he burps on his own now aswell if I even try to wind him there’s murder 😂 xx
This sounds exactly like us! I don’t know what to do to help him, I’m thinking of changing milk because it’s not fair on him to be in so discomfort but I’m scared to change if it makes things worse xx
My LO is on aptamil, also 6 months, and has been from birth. She used to struggle with trapped wind, too, so we started putting 2-3 drops of infacol directly into her bottle to get rid of all the bubbles, and this really helped. She's been fine ever since (just normal wind).
I’m glad your little one is better, I’ve tried the infacol before but straight in mouth after feed. He seems so uncomfortable I don’t know how to help or what to do xx
Try kenadmil organic and pace feed
I found the infacol straight in her mouth made her worse, which is why we switched to putting it in the bottle so it's completely flat with no bubbles. Since then (which was pretty much when she was a couple of weeks old), we've had no issues with her tummy (until she started weaning).
My baby is the same but as we’re about to start weaning, I don’t want to change formula at the same time… when I switched her from combinfeeding (breast milk and formula) to just formula, it took a month for her bowels to get back to a version of normality so not keen to repeat this. I also think it’s mainly due to teething as it’s a fairly recent occurrence (last few weeks)
I am going through exactly the same right now but I have put it down to teething and also what he eats during the day as my wee one is on solids aswell I think it’s there wee body getting used to the different foods