Badger notes

Hi, is anyone else not getting updates on the badger notes app? I’ve not got any blood results back from my booking appointment and I had to ring the hospital last week to check when my 12 week scan is because I’ve not got any update. Luckily I did ring because it’s on Friday but I’ve also not recieved a letter in the post either yet?which I know isn’t unusual to leave it till last minute with the RVI.
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It was very hit and miss for me, sometimes it would be updated asap and sometimes it would literally be updated an hour before my next appointment. I asked my midwife about it once and she said sometimes she updates badger notes with the info from the last appointment (from her notes) just before the next appointment. It all seems to depend on who is inputting the data into your account. It frustrated the life out of me especially when waiting for test results to come back!

Sometimes mine would be done straight away, other times it could be weeks. I think it depends on who inputs the info. My midwife always did it quite quickly x

It’s not just waiting for the test results, it’s the fact I’ve had to ring the hospital to find out when my appointment is! It’s so frustrating, don’t see why it can’t just be paper notes

@Catherine I wasn't at RVI but once I had my first scan, I was given my second scan date/time on a letter on my way out so hopefully it'll be the same for you and you won't have to wait for a letter through the post/ring them to find out for your next one. I would definitely mention it to reception when you go for your scan though x

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