Constipated all the time

My baby has been constipated on and off since we started weaning 2 months ago. I’ve given her pears, prunes, apple juice etc but nothing really seems to work. Anyone else in the same position, i don’t know whether i need to take her to the dr or not, or if this is normal?
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No advice but we are the same. I did take her to the doctors and they prescribed Lactulose which I tried but I don’t really want to give it to her as it causes other tummy issues. I’m trying to up her water intake now but not sure it’s helping

Same here, I've tried limiting sweet potato and banana as I noticed a pattern with that. I've started keeping a food diary as we have a suspected cows milk intolerance we're looking into. We have lactulose but as said above I only give it it if it's absolutely necessary. I'm hoping when he's more mobile that will help. I did watch a Netflix programme the other day about gut health & they mentioned c section babies may be more prone to issues, not sure how true it is but my baby was born via section and my others ( with no gut issues) were born vaginally x

Hiya. My LG has struggled with constipation since very young. Got worse when weaning. I have found that giving her half a weetabix in the morning with milk and fruit pouches on top - mainly prune pouch has helped. She was having porridge before. But seems better on weetabix. Trying to give her water. But she’s not great at taking it. I also give her yogurts too as that what the HV suggested. I hope that helps xx

@Stephanie she has weetabix and prunes/pears every morning. I’ve also been giving her yogurts, apple juice, prunes and pears in the day aswell 🤷🏻‍♀️

My pediatrician said it’s normal for some babies to have delayed pooping when adjusting to solids. Are the poops hard or just take a while to come?


If your baby is on formula I’ve found that if you buy a bottle of the pre made of the brand you use it seems to help my little boy poop if he becomes constipated it usually only takes one bottle replaced with pre made and he’ll usually poop within the next 6-8 hours

@Heather they’re hard. She’s straining for the smallest amount.

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