I was testing negative until around 13/14 DPO (not sure when exactly I ovulated) so I wouldn’t count yourself out yet! Definitely test again at 14 DPO xxx
@Laura thank you xx
@Suzy thank you, I know when I ovulated as I was using LH strips so I’m definitely 8dpo, it’s my first cycle TTC so I know there’s a low chance of me getting pregnant however I can’t help but feel so deflated. My first pregnancy was a surprise so I never had this struggle then :( xx
I was definitely in the exact same boat as you. The two week wait was killing me because I was having all sorts of symptoms but it took a lot longer than I thought to test positive, even with the ultra early tests! I’m not quite done holding my breath yet as it’s still so early on tbh. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! 🤞🏼 xx
LH alone doesn’t confirm you’ve ovulated, it’s just an indicator that your body is getting ready to. BBT and LH testing together gives the most accurate as your temp is what can tell you that you’ve ovulated or not. Have a look into BBT testing xx
@Suzy I was actually already 12 weeks when I found out with my daughter so this is all completely new to me period is due between Saturday and Monday so praying it doesn’t come xx
@Laura thank you I will have a look into this if AF arrives xx
You’re not out just very early with testing, try again in a couple days. Waiting till 14dpo is your best bet but I know how hard it can be to wait x