
What’s everyone doing with their reflux babies. I feel like I have tried everything and at a loss. I have kept her Moses basket propped up, once fed keep burping and leave sat up for at least half hour after feed before placing her anywhere, such as back in her Moses basket. I fed her at 7am and when I put her in her propped up Moses basket at 10am she still puked; just feel sorry for her 🥺 I have tried reflux milk and that made her worse in my opinion.
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Its rough! Silent reflux, colic and difficult to burp here! She's 7 weeks old and I've just been prescribed gaviscon, I'm using gripe water aswell and just winging it. My next worry is constipation with the gaviscon

@Gemma my little one is also 7 weeks, she was given gaviscon last week on Friday, and it made her so poorly she came straight off it🥺

@Chelsea my little one has only just started it. I'm not seeing a great difference yet but I've been told 24 hours

Feeling super deflated also. Bubba pukes soo much and chokes quite abit from the acid content he brings up. We found the carobel surprisingly helps quite abit. We mix it directly into his milk. Other than that we are at a loss. He was just prescribed Omeprazole so going to try that for the next 2 weeks then go for go review.

The gaviscon didn’t work for us( made it worse) and baby is extremely constipated constantly. Just a lot going on :(

Our LO is on Gaviscon and it's been great for us. We give it to her after the bedtime feed and it makes her sleep straight through. We don't give it during the day because we're worried about constipation - we just deal with the sickies and contact nap.

Have you spoken to your HV or doctors to go through some different options for milk?

My 9 week has reflux they offered gaviscon but didn’t want to use that so they suggested infacol, which has settled her tummy but all the other symptoms was still there the constant congestion, chocking/ coughing when feeding, being sick and hating being laid flat. I just knew something else was going on that was causing the reflux, I got in contact with my doctor and found out she has a diary allergy. Hopefully your little one hasn’t but definitely go check with your doctor xx

My little one has been diagnosed with a cows milk protein allergy and since removing the dairy, his reflux has improved massively. His only symptoms was the reflux and slightly watery stools x

Gaviscon. You can also get omaperazole prescribed if igs really bad. If she's just being sick but not uncommon with it then you don't nees to do anything

The whole concept of keeping them upright after a feed is utter rubbish. Yeah it ensures the milk doesn’t come straight back up but if you have reflux, whenever you lie down, it’s likely to come back up. The hope is that you aren’t going to lay them down until it’s started to digest so it might stay down and that’s a big might. Our LG was like yours, although it could be hours later and it wasn’t necessary full on sick, just the acid with like curdled bits of milk in. We’re using omeprazole now and it’s 100% helping. I think it depends if your LO is distressed because of it. If she isn’t then I wouldn’t jump to medicate but if she is then I would speak to your GP about options x

Carobel? Gaviscon? There’s proper prescription meds you can try. Depends how much of an issue it is I guess. Reflux isn’t always super bad

My son has suffered with GORD (severe acid reflux) since 2 weeks old. It’s really really hard coping when they’re in so much pain all the time so I really feel for you. Get their tongue checked for tongue tie as reflux is a symptom of that. Also check for CMPA. We are currently on omeprazole which has helped so much for his acid but still have spit ups after every feed and clear liquid vomit hours after feeding so trialling anti reflux milk to see if that helps as gaviscon and carobel didn’t help at all!

My first is 18 months and had horrid reflux, I was so emotional with it because I thought I’d failed him but as soon as we started weaning at 6 months it started to improve and he hasn’t had it for months now!

Is she bottle fed? We changed from Tommee Tippee to Mam and noticed such a change and a lot less sick! I express and give to her in a bottle and still put her on the boob for all night feeds. Good luck 🤞🏼

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Is she breastfed? Breastfeeding really helps to prevent reflux. Feed her upright and then wear her in the baby carrier for the day so she’s upright. Also I’ve heard seeing and osteopath and chiropractor is helpful

I can second the bottle change. We recently changed from tommee to MAM and it’s actually made a massive improvement to vomiting and spit ups

My little one is now 11 weeks old and at 6 weeks old I took him to the doctor as I had tried everything! He wasn’t sleeping, “throwing up” constantly and was very under weight. After being put on omeprazole and we changed him to cow and gate anti reflux milk (lots of tears cried as I had to give up BF) we have a completely different little boy! The best thing is he only now suffers from “spit up” every now and again. He’s also putting on weight :)

Have you tried infacol , I used it on my little one and it’s been working .

@Shanice Jeffrey sorry if this sounds dumb, I was under the impression that it was for colic only, so won’t help with the acid when lying down x

@Ashia thank you, we use mam, she is good when feeding, it’s when she has to lie on her back she struggles to not be sick

@Gemma I have tried different milks, the thicker ones and the hypoallergenic milk which was prescribed by the hospital and the only one she keeps down during feeds, is Kendamil organic

@Jenny thank you, she had her tongue tie cut about 2 weeks ago, she better on the bottle (mam), but it’s when she lies down later after he feeds she spits it back up 🥹

@Megan this sounds exactly like my little one, which milk were you prescribed? I was prescribed a hypoallergenic milk which seemed to have made her worse?? Xx

@Ashia gaviscon made my LO worse as well, I was also warned not to use omeprazole as it clears all stomach acid and they need it to fight off infections? I am at a loss x

@Chelesa have you tried a prescription of omeprazole? We had to take him off Kendamil as it made him really poorly. Every child is different though!

@Gemma I was told to avoid it as she is so small, she is a twin and was the smallest one. I was told it clears all stomach acid, and she would struggle to fight off infections. I found she was bad on normal Kendamil but better on the organic one? X

Oh bless her!!! Ahh that’s a shame as it’s made such a difference to my little one! We tried the Kendamil, Kendamil Organic and comfort… when I say we tried them all, we tried them all! lol

@Chelsea I’m breastfeeding so I’ve literally had to strip diary completely out of my diet, it’s made a massive difference xx

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