Bath routine

How is everyone doing the bath routine? What time a day? Fir how long? What temp? Its the first time for my baby girl and im scared she will scream because she does when changing nappy
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Oh my little boy screams when he’s being changed and when he’s in the bath! He’s 3.5 weeks old and I give him a bath on a Wednesday and a Sunday, between 5-6 when I get him changed into pjs. 37-38 degrees in the water and he’s only in there for a max of 5 minutes. No soap or bath vapour yet but I do then give him a little massage with Johnson’s bedtime lotion (which again he screams through)!

My baby is 3.5 weeks and he hates his happy being changed but he loves the bath! He has been crying before and instantly stopped when he got in the bath. Xx

My baby screams when getting changed too but as soon as he gets into the warm bath water he calms right down! But then screams again when getting out 😅

I get in the bath first, 37degrees, and my partner passes her over/supervises then I hold/cuddle/wash her and it seems to make her feel more secure, warm, and she even enjoys it. Just 10-15 mins, every 3 days in the evening.

37 - 38 degrees, water only. We do evening, around 7pm and in and out. We drape a warm muslin over him and use a soft wash cloth to wash him. My first born didn’t like it either the first few times, a bit of white noise helped and also making sure she had recently eaten 🥰 x

6:30 ish pm whilst my toddler is having his bath she goes in the baby bath, less than 5 mins quick wash over - she cries sometimes when having a nappy change but seems to like the bath- only cries when coming out if I don’t get her in the towel quickly enough. One piece of advice, get the nappy on asap- the water seems to make them want to wee!

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