I think so. They only started measuring me on 31st Jan. I was 29cm then. Today I was 31.5cm and they said measuring small. Where would I find out the percentile?
If it was fundal height I would try not to worry too much, my midwife was saying it’s so dated and inaccurate but it’s used just to give an idea of growth curve rather than actual baby measurement. The scans will be a far more reliable indicator of baby’s size. I got the percentile off a chart I found on my badger notes app
You should be able to see the percentile on the badger notes app it will be under growth charts. As far as I understand having a small baby isn’t something major to worry about unless another scan shows a downward trend & they are going down in percentile, as that suggests they have fetal growth restriction which obviously is not good. However, I will say that the fact they’ve picked it up is good and means if your baby has FGR they will make a plan for you and all will be fine. I’d also take everything they say with a pinch of salt. My 1st was estimated (from continuous growth scans) to be 50th percentile he was born on the 0.7th percentile 5lb 13oz. He had undiagnosed FGR which would have been fine had they noticed it. Because they didn’t he couldn’t cope in Labour and was born with brain damage. This time my baby is estimated on the 60th percentile but I’ll believe it when I see it🤣 you are on their radar now so whatever happens going forward they will choose the best path for you🫶🏻
Thanks both. I don’t have badger notes. I’ve read through my book and I can’t see anything about percentile so I’ll just ask when I go to the hospital next week. I’m not too worried, I’m just confused as on Saturday I thought I had a big baby and now I’m being told he’s small 🙈
My bump is measuring small but baby is growing perfectly so it may just be that your bump is measuring small for how many weeks you are
Was it the fundal height at the midwife? I had to go for a growth scan at 31 weeks as fundal height was off the chart small but at the growth scan he was measuring 13th percentile. Having to go for another scan at 33 weeks to keep an eye on the growth, my midwife said the growth measurements from scans can be 10% out either way