Anbesol liquid applied to the gums. Nurofen if it’s really causing distress
Another vote for anbesol liquid! Also baby Ibuprofen works better for us than Calpol as it’s also an anti inflammatory
@Jasmine-Lei thank you! I might try this with some milk for him, do you know if you have to use the milk in the freezer in the same day or is it just when you get it out the freezer? X
@Rhonda I have calprofen, is this the same as nurofen? I’m also going to get some Anbesol for when he’s 5 months thank you x
@Neha thank you I’m going to get some in for when he’s 5 months! And I have calprofen which I think is ibuprofen so I could use that? Thank you x
Yes we use Calprofen for our LO too, we tend to use it only when teething is really bad
Sorry didn’t realise anbesol was from 5 months. Yeah nurofen is just ibuprofen. We also used the ashton and parsons teething gel as it comes with a wee textured applicator that you can use to massage their gums. Hope you find some relief, it’s such a shame when they’re in pain 😔
Bongela worked for my son, along with putting water in the teet of his bottle or dummy and freezing it, you can also do it with milk