Genetics testing

So specific question. We are waiting to get my son assessed for autism but on a wait list for 6-8 months. But I also want to get genetics testing done to see if I may have passed it down to him or if it was environmentally passed. We want to have a second child and I’d like to know if I was the parent who passed it down (we had a sperm donor) or if there’s a higher chance my second will have autism. What route do I need to take to get tested and to have my son tested with genetics testing or do I need to wait for a diagnosis first?
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There really isn’t a genetic test that can pinpoint autism, what kind of genetic test are you looking at? Since Autism is a spectrum disorder there can be many comorbidities like ADHD, OCD, Anxiety, that a parent could have and even depression, but not have the diagnosis of Autism but still have an increased likelihood of passing down autism. Though I’m studying Psychology, I’m NOT a professional. For autism to be environmental, from my understanding, it would have to come from some sort of trauma or neglect. Also, Autism is not a bad thing! I’m autistic with ADHD and OCD and my husband has ADHD. We have two spectrum kiddos and our youngest is showing signs of OCD, they are all still well rounded kiddos and in sports and activities and constantly playing with the neighborhood kids. My oldest went through speech therapy after he was diagnosed at 3, went to ABA around 4 years, and had an IEP through kindergarten, he’s now on a 504 but doesn’t need much aside from a sensory toy here and

There during class. Our second has sensory processing disorder and has trouble wearing so many clothes, she has three things she will wear on the daily and socks and shoes are near impossible. I signed her up for in person first grade next year, so we’ll see what happens and I may have to pull her for homeschool again but unsure just yet. If you want to be tested for autism, you can reach out to a psychologist (they test and diagnose), your insurance should have a login online where you can look up providers that are covered for specific care. If you don’t need medication a psychiatrist shouldn’t be necessary.

In autistic… and both my kids are… and first off autism is genetic. It’s not from anything in the environment. It is from a parent that is autistic. (We don’t have autism, we are autistic, we use identity first language) And secondly… this is a slippery slope towards eugenics…. I never did genetic testing nor will I ever for me and my kids. There are too many people who want us dead. I discovered I was autistic by research and then seeing a psychologist that confirmed it… no genetic testing… I don’t have an official diagnosis cuz I can’t with my parents dead but I am autistic without a doubt. If you want to know you are autistic read the book Unmasking Autism by Devon Price… it can help educate what autism looks like in females. So you don’t need to wait for genetic testing which I don’t like as an autistic… too many hate groups like autism speaks it just makes me uncomfortable… cuz again eugenics… and also with RFK in charge and wanting to send us away to camps… be careful….

It’s likely I’m autistic but undiagnosed. But I have two kiddos that have both been diagnosed Autistic. And one of them is AuDHD. I’ve only been diagnosed with ADHD and GAD

@Samantha we can’t become autistic from trauma or neglect… it’s all genetic… I was born this way and so is my community… it’s how our brain developed before we were born…

@Lyss it wasn’t meant to sound mean. I just need to emotionally prepare myself if I was the one to pass it down. I already have anxiety. I keep telling my wife if we have another kid with autism, not much changes for us anyways but it’s something that we have to mentally prepare for and emotionally.

@Samantha I feel like we have discussed this in the past? I know my son for sure has sensory development issues. And severe speech delay but without a autism diagnosis, we are just sitting here blindly waiting to see what resources we can get him. He is in speech and occupational. We can’t get ABA without a diagnosis though

@Danielle I know you weren’t sounding mean… I was purely just trying to educate cuz there is so much misinformation out there and I’m really passionate about advocating for my community and unfortunately there are 2 different roads autistic people and people with autistic kids go down…. And i always try to help guide people to the more nuerodivigent positive side of things vs the side where eugenics and fear is… but if you ever wanna talk about what it’s like being autistic you can message me anytime… i also recommend checking out and if you are on facebook check out the group - autism inclusivity

I've already been on a waiting list for over a year to have my son an assessment. It's not a shame they make us wait so long, smh..

My son had to wait a year for his evaluation. My daughter a few months (through two different places in two different states).

Since when can u get genetic testing for autism?! Pretty sure you can't.

@Rebecca I think she stumbled upon Autism Speaks website (the hate group) which promotes genetic testing so they can practice eugenics on us… that’s why I told her what I said…

@Rebecca you can with a diagnosis. It doesn’t state that you have it but they can look at certain genes to see if it was genetically Passed

@Lyss I didn’t stumble upon that website. And I’m a biology teacher. I know how genetics works and they have done studies where certain genes carry certain markers to show a passing of autism. It may show how it was caused. This group kind of seems more hateful than the Facebook group I’m in. No one knows the actual cause of autism so you can’t necessarily say it’s not one thing or the other. Even stem cell studies have shown a regression in autism so I’m not so sure why you are against genetic testing but there are some moms in here who want to provide as much resources for their kids as possible. Yes, there is nothing wrong with autism but some kids may want to hear their autistic child say I love you.

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