Skipping goodie bags and having a “make your own trail mix” bar. ☺️ I’ve seen a similar idea with a “candy bar” if that fits your theme better! I feel like a lot of families prefer consumable items rather than small cheap toys these days (many people have limited space and want to limit clutter)
Our theme is formula 1 all the kids coming are 1 and under so we are if car shaped teethers, bubbles, custom F1 shirts and 4 piece puzzle & pop tube sensory toy!
We are having “stations” as well as bubbles , keychains for the older kids coloring book with interchangeable crayons , curly straws , stamps, stickers, and temp tattoos. Mostly older kids will be there. And the stations were doing is decorate your own sunnies, decorate your own cookie. ( Groovy one) theme