
My baby is 6 weeks old, for the past two weeks at about 8pm he becomes un settled, kicking his legs up and won’t settle for bed unless he’s on me with his belly on mine even then takes 2 hours to fully settle him. The past couple of days he’s hard to settle down will feed then will cry until I put him on his front or rubbing his belly even than he’s not fully settled but once I put him down he’s only settled for 10/20 minutes. He’s also got these spots on his head I don’t know if it’s baby acne or if it’s linked to the symptoms above. I’ve got health visitor this week so will ask there too but just thought I’d come on here and ask for advice He’s bottle fed and on SMA little steps formula
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I would ring Drs and ask for dietary milk!! Could be symptoms of cows milk allergy xx

my son was the same way they had to change his milk

The rash is ‘normal’ all babies get it at this age so woudlnt be too worried but obviously ask advice from health visitors. Ask for colic symptoms, my daughter was like this and it was ridiculous she would never settle and would just cry constantly, we changed her milk to HiPP organic Reflux and it was literally a new baby

Around 6 weeks is when gas issues start so babies are usually very unsettled. It could be just that. Mine was like that too.

@Marion did your daughter cry all day or was it just night time? Was your advised to change to reflux milk or did you just do it yourself?x

@jamie what did they change his milk too?

lactose sensitivity

All day pretty much any time she had a bottle and I’d give her more bottles as thought she was still hungry so it made it 10x worse 🙈🤣 we trial colic drops from the shop and kinda worked but kinda never. We tried giving her bottles smaller oz but more frequent rather than a big bottle at once and tried burping her after every few oz. Nothing really worked and if it did it wasn’t for long. One time she cried for around 5hrs straight no joke, didn’t matter what we done, my partner was like take her to the hospital that’s how bad it was, that’s when we decided soemthing wasn’t right and to change her milk. This was around 4/5 months. I just changed it for curiosity to see how she compared and no joke like I said it was literally like a new baby after 1/2 days. Only difference was cos the reflux milk was thicker it made her a little constipated so we just added an extra oz. So if she had 7oz bottle we’d make an 8oz but with 7oz formula then the extra oz was just water just keep it flush

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