I want a girl so bad šŸ„¹

A friend of mine told me that there are times in the month youā€™re supposed to conceive and follow a specific diet to have a girlā€¦ she said itā€™s how she had hers and itā€™s common in her cultureā€¦ google sent me down a major rabbit hole of contradictory infoā€¦ have any one you tried this?
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If her method works is pure coincidence, the sex of a baby is down to the manā€™s sperm, you canā€™t influence it.

@Amy I feel like I knew this but needed to hear it šŸ„²

There is a tiny TINY TIIIINY amount of research that indicates that you are more likely to have a girl if you have sex 2-4 days before ovulation. BUT, itā€™s a tiny influence. If your man produces more male sperm than female, it wonā€™t make any real difference.

So, the idea is to make your body more or less receptive to the kind of sperm you're hoping to fertilize the egg, ande time intercourse accordingly. Basically XX sperm are slightly bigger, hardier and slower. XY sperm are slightly smaller, less hardy and faster. Diet wise, the idea is to encourage either a slightly more acidic or alkaline environment in the body to favor the sperm of the gender you want. Timing wise, sex before ovulation is supposedly more likely to lead to a girl, while sex during ovulation leads to a boy. The XX sperm lives longer so having it already in the reproductive tract gives it a chance to fertilize the egg as soon as it's released as opposed to it having to compete with the fast XY sperm. Position wise, try using deeper penetration for a boy and shallow penetration for a girl. They call it "swaying" in some circles because that's the closest you can get to success, swaying the odds slightly one way or another šŸ˜‚

A lot of people follow the Chinese prediction calendar. I have 4 boys and now due with our girl, I didnā€™t follow it but got curious and the month I conceived said girl.

@Glenda the Chinese calendar was right for both of my successful pregnancies! I didn't plan TTC around it, I just checked it after the fact

@Glenda whaaaat. Omg Iā€™m gonna look into this lol

I tested the Chinese calendar on my mums group and as expected, it was 50/50 right šŸ¤£

@Glenda it was wrong with mine!

Nothing you can do will change the sex of the baby itā€™s all down to the man x

woah, that is fascinating information! i had no idea the sperm are different sizes/speeds based on XX or XY @Raqi

Im not ganna lie, I did this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ™ˆ so we tried 4 days leading up to ovulation, then stopped. Apparently all the boy swimmers go pass, but by the time the egg drops the girls are in the right place. Iā€™m expecting a baby girl, so never know šŸ˜‚

@Shivani ok, Iā€™m gonna try it. There is nothing to lose here tbh. It will be my last attempt. If I end up with 3 boys Iā€™ll stop lol

The sex of the baby is determined by the sperm. It is said that the sperm carrying the female chromes (XX). Swim slower but that they last longer so youd have them in there before ovulation, probably like the day before peak. The male chromes (XY) apparently die faster but they swim faster so if it's the day of ovulation I guess they're more likely to make it to the egg first. But it's really just a gamble. With that being said, I have a girl. We inseminated the day before peak, on peak, & on ovulation. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø

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